Thursday, June 9, 2011

Current issues | Education - Salman Khan's Got Next...

In the current issue of Bloomberg Businessweek - Sal Khan is interviewed on how he is using technology to revolutionize the game of tutoring in math proficiency.  This brilliant philanthropist with dual degrees in computer science and electrical engineering from MIT and an MBA from Harvard has used his intellect and technological tools to craft more than 2,300 tutorial videos on YouTube - all originating from a struggling relative who plead to get help from him in AP math.  He developed these tutoring module videos that consisted of complex sketch "doodle" diagrams with voice-over style narration to explain step-by-step how to arrive at solutions to complex math problems, with the first video posted in 2006.  Not only was he successful in helping his own kin, but many others in the process.  Fastforward several years, and he boasts of over 58 million lessons delivered.  With the help of some angel investors - he has evolved this into a nonprofit organization called Khan Academy.

He has many in his corner - including Bill Gates and John Doerr, who believe that since he is not in it for the money and just wants to help kids succeed in math/calculus, accounting, finance, biology, even SAT & GMAT - that they are willing to financially back his revolution.  Just go to YouTube and view some of his videos yourself (FOR FREE!)...perhaps you know of someone who needs help in math or science or accounting (or many other subjects) who could use a leg up with the curriculum.  His success rate speaks for itself.

There are so many grassroots initiatives that have served to change our world as we know it - that we can really get behind.  Project Still I Rise is one of them - answering the call locally through after-school tutoring, S.T.E.M. initiatives, mentoring and character development programs to empower the next generation.  Will you commit to supporting PSIR today?

 - Michelle London-Bell, Dallas Urban Media

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